GOULBURN Motor Cycle Track is under construction.
Thank You to Andy and the team at Divall’s Earth Moving & Bulk Haulage for the supply of machinery and labour to get the Track started.
Sam White September 16th, 2019
All GMCC members,
We have had a number of enquiries about the status of the track and like most people we are just as frustrated as you are that our main track is not completed, this is not due to lack of effort and persistence we can assure you. In the interim however we have built a small junior track which we have been running for some afternoons during daylight saving and weekends though winter, we plan to return to our Friday afternoon sessions when daylight saving returns. This track provides a facility to gain new junior membership, keep them interested in the sport with social riding, training days and building their skills.
The layout and construction of the main track is about 90% complete. Mal Cash has worked with the clubs committee to design and shape the track which is 2.1km long with a cut off for a junior track of 1km. It’s a wide flowing track on the side of a hill and we feel when its complete it will be one of the best tracks around. We can’t thank Mal enough for his time and effort to design the layout of the track and the commitment of the club members who have given up their weekends to get to this point. Approximately 20,000m3 of material was donated from a construction site in Goulburn and used to build the track.
The club is very fortunate to have the Divall family as members of the club. The ongoing support from Andy and Jack Divall has been amazing and it would fair to say we would not have been able to achieve what we have without the plant, equipment and donation of time from them and their employees. Jack worked with Mal during to complete the main construction which included the track build, drainage, dam building and pit area. With the track location on the side of a hill, there has been so much extra work required with drainage and controlling our run off which has taken time and money.
To help speed up the construction the club has worked tirelessly to raise money to purchase materials to enable us to keep construction going. Most revenue to date has come from our one or two Amcross’ a year and assistance from MNSW who have loaned the club $150,000 to purchase materials. We are in discussions with MNSW again for more support and hope that this might be forthcoming soon. In 2018 the club applied for 3 Clubs Grants with no result or feedback which was disappointing, in Sept the club spent substantial time and members money to apply for a NSW Govt Sports Infrastructure Grant, we were short listed, met all the criteria but unfortunately there were other projects at the time that Govt believed needed the money more. Despite the result we now have great plans, budgets and relevant information that we can use for future grants. We have applied for the Goulburn Mulwaree trust for money for our clubhouse construction and by the end of Sept put in for a Stronger Country Communities grant which if successful will enable us to pay civil and building companies to finish off the facility within 6 months or so of getting the money which includes; a bore and watering system, club house construction, remediation and landscaping, car parks, power supply, new dirt track facility and amenities.
In the interim, there a small number of people who are continually giving up their time to keep things moving along. For those who would like to help it would be great to have you come along as there are always things to do, our working bee’s are posted on social media so please keep an eye out.
The club has also put a deposit on more land next to the existing facility to expand our parking area and establish our tracks such as dirt and long track and a facility for the Heaven club who are keen to work in with our club for vintage MX events which will make the Goulburn facility on of the best motor parks in NSW. So please all be patient, it will be worth it.
If anyone has any ideas on how to help us, please don’t hesitate to call me.
Sam White
GMCC – Club Secretary
Richard Toparis September 5th, 2020
More progress at the Goulburn Motor Cycle Club track today, slabs poured for the clubhouse/canteen and starters shed. Thanks Sam White and Andrew Rowlands for their ongoing efforts to finalize this fantastic facility. Special thanks to Joey Peterson and Shane Wilson from Wilson Plumbing, Tony Batten from Southern Tablelands Pest Control, Jye and John Mclauglin from Innovative Concrete, Concrete for Goulburn and @hazzcorbett from Divall’s Earthmoving and the volunteers for getting the job done today.
Another step closer……….