We are very excited to announce our Official Opening Weekend- 18th & 19th of December 2021

Recreational riding for 65cc and up- no beginners or 50cc bikes. At present we are unable to run 50cc bikes and beginners on the High View Mx Track. There will be opportunities in the near future to ride at GMCC.
Gates open at 8am. Riding from 9am-2pm split into two sessions.
Spectator’s welcome.
You must enter on Ridernet- Click on the link: https://osm-ma.omnisportsmanagement.com/OSMMain/(S(rf2fdugdesw0lq0mrms43e0v))/OSMMainNew.aspx
If you have never used Ridernet before you will need to create a profile first.
NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY- Entries Capped at 100 per day.
If you have any questions please email [email protected] or send a msg on social media. #highviewmx ##mxtrack #goulburnmotorcycleclub #motocross #recreationalriding #rightnowingoulburn #goulburnnsw #goulburnnswaustralia #openingday #itshappening #forreal #raingoaway #mx